Usage: 3dPval [options] dataset
* Converts a dataset's statistical sub-bricks to p-values.
* Sub-bricks not internally marked as statistical volumes are unchanged.
* However, all output volumes will be converted to float format!
* If you wish to convert only sub-brick #3 (say) of a dataset, then
something like this command should do the job:
3dPval -prefix Zork.nii InputDataset.nii'[3]'
* Note that sub-bricks being marked as statistical volumes, and
having value-to-FDR conversion curves attached, are AFNI-only
ideas, and are not part of any standard, NIfTI or otherwise!
In other words, this program will be useless for a random dataset
which you download from some random non-AFNI-centric site :(
* Also note that SMALLER p- and q-values are more 'significant', but
that the AFNI GUI provides interactive thresholding for values
ABOVE a user-chosen level, so using the GUI to threshold on a
p-value or q-value volume will have the opposite result to what
you might wish for.
* Although the program now allows conversion of statistic values
to z-scores or FDR q-values, instead of p-values, you can only
do one type of conversion per run of 3dPval. If you want p-values
AND q-values, you'll have to run this program twice.
* Finally, 'sub-brick' is AFNI jargon for a single 3D volume inside
a multi-volume dataset.
-zscore = Convert statistic to a z-score instead, an N(0,1) deviate
that represents the same p-value.
-log2 = Convert statistic to -log2(p)
-log10 = Convert statistic to -log10(p)
-qval = Convert statistic to a q-value (FDR) instead:
+ This option only works with datasets that have
FDR curves inserted in their headers, which most
AFNI statistics programs will do. The program
3drefit can also do this, with the -addFDR option.
-prefix p = Prefix name for output file (default name is 'Pval')
AUTHOR: The Man With The Golden p < 0.000001
++ Compile date = Mar 12 2025 {AFNI_25.0.08:linux_ubuntu_24_64}